Oct 30, 2009

Core 8 Networkers, let's internalize Core 8's Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Fellow Core 8 Networkers, let's internalize the following and know them by heart:


VISION (What we want to be?)

* Core 8: A Global business empire and a best-selling brand.

MISSION (Why we exist?)

* To provide consumers high quality products & services which provide good value for their money. Likewise, providing a platform for investment for all participating consumers.

CORE VALUES (What's important to us?)

Excellence of Service

* Valuing superior performance in our work and service


* Valuing honesty in words and actions that build trust.


* Valuing the gifts we have been entrusted with and using the gifts wisely. These gifts are human, monetary and natural resources.


* Valuing each person and that person's life as being worthy and meaningful. We shall deal with each person with utmost respect or courtesy. Always conducting business above reproach.


* Valuing the importance of goals and all the efforts related to setting them up. Thus, we commit strongly to achieving them for the betterment of the populace we serve.

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