Dear Network Marketer, how well do you know Core 8?
Here's a Pop Quiz about Core 8 International Marketing Corp.
Vision of Core 8: A G____ b_____ empire and a best-______ b_____.
Mission of Core 8: To provide consumers high q_____ products & ______ which provide good _____ for their ______. Likewise, providing a platform for ________ for all participating ________.
The Core 8 Values:
Answers at
Nov 27, 2009
Nov 19, 2009
Hello Core 8 business partners! Here are more tips as you do your network marketing business: The Law of Priorities
The Law of Priorities
By: Brian Tracy
(from an e-mail sent to me by Brian Tracy... you can also visit for more info)
The very worst use of your time is to do what need not be done at all. The Pareto Principle says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of the value of your activities. This means that, if you have a list of ten items to accomplish, two of those items will be worth more than the other eight items altogether.
To achieve great things, you must always be concentrating on the small number of activities that contribute the greatest value to your life and your work.
Determine the Consequences
The value of anything in your order of priorities can be measured by assessing the potential consequences of doing it or not doing it. Something that is important has significant consequences to your life and your career. Something that is unimportant has few or no consequences of significance to your life or career. The mark of the superior thinker is your ability to consider possible consequences before you begin.
Ask the Key Question
Continually ask yourself, "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now?" And whatever it is, work on that. Your ability to discipline yourself to work on those few tasks that can make the greatest difference in your life is the key quality that makes everything else possible for you.
Action Exercises
Here is how you can apply this law immediately:
First, make a list of everything that you do as a part of your job. Now, analyze the list and select the three to five things that are more important than everything else put together.
Second, imagine that you are going to receive a $100,000 bonus at the end of the month if you can work on your highest priority items every minute of the day. How would that change your behavior? What would you do differently?
Fellow network marketers, I hope that Brian Tracy's ideas on the Law of Priorities will help you. These concepts will surely enlighten us on how to conduct our network mlm business. Share and teach these to your downlines, uplines, and even crosslines (brotherlines) so that you can contribute to the betterment of their lives. Let's all maximize the potentials of network marketing... and the good news is that Core 8 International Marketing Corp. is one great opportunity that we can have, because this great network marketing company helps us become the right person who shall attract success in the network multi-level marketing business.
By: Brian Tracy
(from an e-mail sent to me by Brian Tracy... you can also visit for more info)
The very worst use of your time is to do what need not be done at all. The Pareto Principle says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of the value of your activities. This means that, if you have a list of ten items to accomplish, two of those items will be worth more than the other eight items altogether.
To achieve great things, you must always be concentrating on the small number of activities that contribute the greatest value to your life and your work.
Determine the Consequences
The value of anything in your order of priorities can be measured by assessing the potential consequences of doing it or not doing it. Something that is important has significant consequences to your life and your career. Something that is unimportant has few or no consequences of significance to your life or career. The mark of the superior thinker is your ability to consider possible consequences before you begin.
Ask the Key Question
Continually ask yourself, "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now?" And whatever it is, work on that. Your ability to discipline yourself to work on those few tasks that can make the greatest difference in your life is the key quality that makes everything else possible for you.
Action Exercises
Here is how you can apply this law immediately:
First, make a list of everything that you do as a part of your job. Now, analyze the list and select the three to five things that are more important than everything else put together.
Second, imagine that you are going to receive a $100,000 bonus at the end of the month if you can work on your highest priority items every minute of the day. How would that change your behavior? What would you do differently?
Fellow network marketers, I hope that Brian Tracy's ideas on the Law of Priorities will help you. These concepts will surely enlighten us on how to conduct our network mlm business. Share and teach these to your downlines, uplines, and even crosslines (brotherlines) so that you can contribute to the betterment of their lives. Let's all maximize the potentials of network marketing... and the good news is that Core 8 International Marketing Corp. is one great opportunity that we can have, because this great network marketing company helps us become the right person who shall attract success in the network multi-level marketing business.
Nov 12, 2009
Posted by Schendel Opriasa on November 11, 2009 at
Anyone will agree that last Saturday November 7, 2009 has been one of Core8’s November highlights. It was exciting, entertaining, and above all: eye opening. Upon introduction, Ms Ruchel Guillermo or “Ms Roch” as she was preferably called shared how she started in the networking industry. She was initiated only two years ago and looking at her now: a neophyte in terms of the period she’s been doing the trade but was already marked as a leader by her comrades. This was emphasized when she became one of Core8’s Key Leaders.
It was her birthday last November 4 (Wednesday) and instead of preparing a banquet for a chosen few, she decided to celebrate the occasion as part of her scheme to strengthen the bond of her Eagle Network. She had prepared a feast that was shared with everyone and gave recognition to the key distributors under her group.
The awardees were as follows:
Imelda “Irene” Ignacio
Carlos Rios Jr.
Antonio Roberto “Coy” Villavicencio
Carlos Rios Jr.
Emmanuel "Mannix" De Duque <<<--- Yes, that's me!
Joey Bagro
John Devillier
Terence Kenji B. Ito
Jonathan Tagala
David Tagala
Jimmy Tagala
Daniel Tagala
Samuel Tagala
Raymund Marcos
Antonio Roberto "Coy" Villavicencio
Joey Bagro
Michael Agleron
Imelda "Irene" Ignacio
Emmanuel "Mannix" De Duque <<<--- Yes, that's me again (",)
Carlos Rios Jr.
Thelmo Andrew Garucho
Antonio Cariaso
Joanna Victoria Serrano
Ruel Guttierrez
Emil Canonigo
Team DIAMONDS - Raymund Marcos
Team FOCUS - Emil Canonigo
Team WARRIORS - Joey Bagro
Katherine Devillier
Some of the awardees were given a chance to share their life experiences before and while being a networker. Most of them were in the height of their careers, others left their previous employment making networking their bread and butter, while some were still finishing their studies. Their life stories were funny, inspiring, and true to the core that most distributors, guests, and employees alike found themselves relating to them. Aside from the acknowledgments, one of the best parts of the gathering was when all five Tagala Brothers performed our company’s jingle “We Are The Future”. Many sashayed to the rhythm and even sang along at the chorus as the brothers performed. The event has made everyone marvel how rare it was to have a group of talented and professional people to come together in one company. It just goes to show how diverse the populaces of Core8 truly were. Thus, leaving many with a thought ‘these people came from only one team’, surely, there are still many others in Core8 who were waiting for their chance to shine as well.
Be on the lookout for the Next Mini Sizzle. Updates will be posted at our website and at our bulletin board.
Anyone will agree that last Saturday November 7, 2009 has been one of Core8’s November highlights. It was exciting, entertaining, and above all: eye opening. Upon introduction, Ms Ruchel Guillermo or “Ms Roch” as she was preferably called shared how she started in the networking industry. She was initiated only two years ago and looking at her now: a neophyte in terms of the period she’s been doing the trade but was already marked as a leader by her comrades. This was emphasized when she became one of Core8’s Key Leaders.
It was her birthday last November 4 (Wednesday) and instead of preparing a banquet for a chosen few, she decided to celebrate the occasion as part of her scheme to strengthen the bond of her Eagle Network. She had prepared a feast that was shared with everyone and gave recognition to the key distributors under her group.
The awardees were as follows:
Imelda “Irene” Ignacio
Carlos Rios Jr.
Antonio Roberto “Coy” Villavicencio
Carlos Rios Jr.
Emmanuel "Mannix" De Duque <<<--- Yes, that's me!
Joey Bagro
John Devillier
Terence Kenji B. Ito
Jonathan Tagala
David Tagala
Jimmy Tagala
Daniel Tagala
Samuel Tagala
Raymund Marcos
Antonio Roberto "Coy" Villavicencio
Joey Bagro
Michael Agleron
Imelda "Irene" Ignacio
Emmanuel "Mannix" De Duque <<<--- Yes, that's me again (",)
Carlos Rios Jr.
Thelmo Andrew Garucho
Antonio Cariaso
Joanna Victoria Serrano
Ruel Guttierrez
Emil Canonigo
Team DIAMONDS - Raymund Marcos
Team FOCUS - Emil Canonigo
Team WARRIORS - Joey Bagro
Katherine Devillier
Some of the awardees were given a chance to share their life experiences before and while being a networker. Most of them were in the height of their careers, others left their previous employment making networking their bread and butter, while some were still finishing their studies. Their life stories were funny, inspiring, and true to the core that most distributors, guests, and employees alike found themselves relating to them. Aside from the acknowledgments, one of the best parts of the gathering was when all five Tagala Brothers performed our company’s jingle “We Are The Future”. Many sashayed to the rhythm and even sang along at the chorus as the brothers performed. The event has made everyone marvel how rare it was to have a group of talented and professional people to come together in one company. It just goes to show how diverse the populaces of Core8 truly were. Thus, leaving many with a thought ‘these people came from only one team’, surely, there are still many others in Core8 who were waiting for their chance to shine as well.
Be on the lookout for the Next Mini Sizzle. Updates will be posted at our website and at our bulletin board.
Nov 10, 2009
The most awaited BANNER PRODUCTS of Core8 International Marketing Corp: CoreVitPlus and Natur Cleanse

Natur Cleanse

- Helps prevent cancer and boosts the immune system.
- Contains high-ORAC value that helps slow the aging process in both body and brain.
- Protects the skin from ultraviolet damage and repairs skin damaged by the sun.
- Helps keep your metabolic rate high, which in turn burns fat.
- Strengthens the heart and alleviates heart palpitations.
- Lowers cholesterol, slows growth of prostate cancer, increases blood flow and fights off free radicals.
- Improves eye conditions, supports healthy liver function & maintains healthy blood pressure & blood sugar.
- Protects against digestive and respiratory infections and helps lower cholesterol levels.
Natur Cleanse
- Detoxifies the body, regulates bowel movement, helps weight loss and overall fitness, improves health and boosts energy levels.
- Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, enhances detoxification reactions and protects the liver from damages.
- Prevents indigestion and abdominal cramping.
- Neutralizes and eliminates poisons in the system.
- Helps break down proteins, aiding the digestion process.
- Soothes the lining of the stomach and is useful in treating all sorts of stomach upsets.
Nov 9, 2009
Wow! Learn the Strengths of the Core 8 Network Marketing Compensation Plan!
Strengths of the Core 8 Network Marketing Compensation Plan:
1. High direct referral bonus. = P1,000
2. High pairing (matching) bonus. = P1,700
3. Redundant Binary.
5. Products with BIG equivalent CV or Points.
6. Larger market coverage or fit to many.
* Note: All of the amounts above apply to Diamond Business Package account.
1. High direct referral bonus. = P1,000
2. High pairing (matching) bonus. = P1,700
3. Redundant Binary.
- Entry to Entry (Business Package to Business Package) = Pair P1,700
- Products to Entry (Products to Business Package) = Pair P1,700
- Products to Products = Pair P1,700
- Repeat purchase point of spill over distributors are counted
5. Products with BIG equivalent CV or Points.
6. Larger market coverage or fit to many.
- Diamond Business Package - Class A and B
- Gold Business Package - Class C
- Silver Business Package - Class D and E
- Easy to understand
- Easy to explain
- Faster duplication
- 25% Discount - Direct Selling of Products
- Direct Referral of Business Package
- Pairing Bonus
- maximum P17,000 per day / 1 account
- maximum P510,000 per month / 1 account
* Note: All of the amounts above apply to Diamond Business Package account.
Nov 6, 2009
Dreamboard, a networker's powerful attraction tool
What's a dreamboard?
It's a dream-list or collection of pictures of your dreams, aspirations, wants, or goals in life that you may have cut from magazines (or downloaded from the internet and printed them) and pasted them on an illustration board, or card board, or on a wall beside your bed, or some place where you see it most of the time (like in your office)... some use clearbooks instead like what my internet marketing mentor Jomar Hilario used. He recently moved to Rosewood Pointe in Taguig, owing it to the clearbook that he filled up with his goals and dreams, to include a condominium brochure, way back March 22, 2004.
(cutting the pictures and putting them on your dreamboard are already energies that help you create the right feelings and imagination needed in the manifestation of your dreams)
A dreamboard, also called a visionboard, helps you visualize your dreams and capture the positive feelings of already having what you want.
Besides just seeing your dreams, day in and day out, in the morning as you wake up and in the evening before you sleep, you really have to feel it as you already have it in the present.
Maximize your visualization by using all of your senses:
Illogical? That's just okay, your subconscious mind won't reason out, but instead, create the right energies to attract what you want by resonating them to the universe like a tuning fork. Our subconscious mind focuses on the present/now.
So instead of saying "I'm going to have ____" (the going to is in the future, it may never happen),
Say "I enjoy the feeling of having ____", or "I am grateful and happy I have my _____" which both focus on the present.
So work on your dreamboard and apply the visualization techniques mentioned above.
Have fun!
P.S. At the later part of My Photo Slideshow, you'll see some pictures that I treat as portions of my Dreamboard.
It's a dream-list or collection of pictures of your dreams, aspirations, wants, or goals in life that you may have cut from magazines (or downloaded from the internet and printed them) and pasted them on an illustration board, or card board, or on a wall beside your bed, or some place where you see it most of the time (like in your office)... some use clearbooks instead like what my internet marketing mentor Jomar Hilario used. He recently moved to Rosewood Pointe in Taguig, owing it to the clearbook that he filled up with his goals and dreams, to include a condominium brochure, way back March 22, 2004.
(cutting the pictures and putting them on your dreamboard are already energies that help you create the right feelings and imagination needed in the manifestation of your dreams)
A dreamboard, also called a visionboard, helps you visualize your dreams and capture the positive feelings of already having what you want.
Besides just seeing your dreams, day in and day out, in the morning as you wake up and in the evening before you sleep, you really have to feel it as you already have it in the present.
Maximize your visualization by using all of your senses:
- see your dreams,
- feel them and even touch them,
- hear them,
- smell them,
- or even taste them.
Illogical? That's just okay, your subconscious mind won't reason out, but instead, create the right energies to attract what you want by resonating them to the universe like a tuning fork. Our subconscious mind focuses on the present/now.
So instead of saying "I'm going to have ____" (the going to is in the future, it may never happen),
Say "I enjoy the feeling of having ____", or "I am grateful and happy I have my _____" which both focus on the present.
So work on your dreamboard and apply the visualization techniques mentioned above.
Have fun!
P.S. At the later part of My Photo Slideshow, you'll see some pictures that I treat as portions of my Dreamboard.
Nov 5, 2009
John Cosola sent me a Short but POWERFUL Tip
John Cosola, a network marketer himself sent me this email yesterday:
Subject: Short But POWERFUL Tip
Which would you rather have: 100 people in your business
who are inactive and getting nothing done, or 5 people who
are motivated and actively building a business?
You attract the latter by being very selective about the people you talk to
and recruit. Don't bring people in who you know in your heart will never produce as it does neither you or them any good.
Hope this helps...
Blessings John
Subject: Short But POWERFUL Tip
Which would you rather have: 100 people in your business
who are inactive and getting nothing done, or 5 people who
are motivated and actively building a business?
You attract the latter by being very selective about the people you talk to
and recruit. Don't bring people in who you know in your heart will never produce as it does neither you or them any good.
Hope this helps...
Blessings John
Choosing Your Network Marketing Business Partner
Imagine yourself now as a soldier, unless you are already one right now (",)
Your commanding officer asked you to report and gave you a very special mission to accomplish.
He chose you to lead one team and gave you the option to choose your team members whose trainings and experiences are critical to the success of the mission. They must be real good. Precious lives are at stake.
You then recall, who are the the elite soldiers that you personally know.
And at the back of your mind you said,
"I remember my comrade Val, a Scout Ranger and member of the Intelligence community who was recently awarded the prestigious Medal of Valor for gallantry in action after successfully overcoming an enemy camp, I'll pick him."
"I know Marlon who is an expert combat and scuba diver, a master sky diver, and a member of the Special Forces., he'll be on my list."
"Aha Charles, the Navy SEAL who is a genius on explosives, armaments, reconnaissance, surveillance and night navigation, I'll be needing him in my team."
"Elmar can't be discounted, his strength is on tactical communications and I.T. networks."
"I know Raymund, Val, Bernard, Ron, Ed, War, Bon, Merrill, who are ..."
... and the list goes on.
So what did you do?
You chose the right people for the right job.
You qualified them and checked on their credentials.
Because all you really want is to have the best team players with you so that you'll be able to accomplish your mission...
Guys, in this network marketing business we are in, that's also how we should choose the right business partners. We also study them and qualify them... we learn their strengths and potentials...
...and eventually you are able to help them decide to join you because you valued relationship and built trust...
...and of course because they like you; they were attracted to you and your personal beliefs in life and they see you as a wonderful person.
... and this is called Prospecting.
In his book "Build, Grow and Sustain Your Network Marketing Distributor Business", Josiah Go said:
We make sure those we are inviting are willing to join us as there is no reason to force people to sign up if they are not ready or willing yet (it's their loss, not yours!). But not all people we know may be good recruits. To know who to recruit first and who just to sell to, there are 2 indicators:
1. The "NPA" guide
2. The "Available" acronym
NPA stands for Need, Pay and Availability. These 3 factors make a good prospect for a recruit.
NEED - What does the prospect need?
There are
PAY - Does the prospect have a little fund to invest in the start-up kit and pay for products subsequently?
AVAILABILITY - Is the prospect able and willing to find the minimum acceptable time to succeed in this business?
Another alternative to the N-P-A is the "Available" acronym to help you prioritize on prospects who are potential sales leaders...
Amiable - is the person a relationship builder?
Value - Does he have the initial funds to be a product user and to start-up?
Approach - Does your potential recruit have the right contacts to approach?
Integrity - Is the person believable in the eyes of his peers?
Leadership - Does the person have organization skills?
Attitude - Does the person have "Can Do" and "Will Do" attitude?
Businesslike - Does the person promote continuing win-win relationship and ethical business practices?
Load - Can the person find the time to do what is needed to be successful in the business when left alone?
Educable - Is the prospect teachable and all out for self-development?
The more qualities mentioned above possessed by the prospect, the higher the probability of success as a distributor. If the prospect being considered, on the other hand, possesses very few of the AVAILABLE acronym, except perhaps, for money, just retail products to him or sign him up as a regular product user.
Take charge! With the right people with you, Go ahead and accomplish your mission!
Your commanding officer asked you to report and gave you a very special mission to accomplish.
He chose you to lead one team and gave you the option to choose your team members whose trainings and experiences are critical to the success of the mission. They must be real good. Precious lives are at stake.
You then recall, who are the the elite soldiers that you personally know.
And at the back of your mind you said,
"I remember my comrade Val, a Scout Ranger and member of the Intelligence community who was recently awarded the prestigious Medal of Valor for gallantry in action after successfully overcoming an enemy camp, I'll pick him."
"I know Marlon who is an expert combat and scuba diver, a master sky diver, and a member of the Special Forces., he'll be on my list."
"Aha Charles, the Navy SEAL who is a genius on explosives, armaments, reconnaissance, surveillance and night navigation, I'll be needing him in my team."
"Elmar can't be discounted, his strength is on tactical communications and I.T. networks."
"I know Raymund, Val, Bernard, Ron, Ed, War, Bon, Merrill, who are ..."
... and the list goes on.
So what did you do?
You chose the right people for the right job.
You qualified them and checked on their credentials.
Because all you really want is to have the best team players with you so that you'll be able to accomplish your mission...
Guys, in this network marketing business we are in, that's also how we should choose the right business partners. We also study them and qualify them... we learn their strengths and potentials...
...and eventually you are able to help them decide to join you because you valued relationship and built trust...
...and of course because they like you; they were attracted to you and your personal beliefs in life and they see you as a wonderful person.
... and this is called Prospecting.
In his book "Build, Grow and Sustain Your Network Marketing Distributor Business", Josiah Go said:
We make sure those we are inviting are willing to join us as there is no reason to force people to sign up if they are not ready or willing yet (it's their loss, not yours!). But not all people we know may be good recruits. To know who to recruit first and who just to sell to, there are 2 indicators:
1. The "NPA" guide
2. The "Available" acronym
NPA stands for Need, Pay and Availability. These 3 factors make a good prospect for a recruit.
NEED - What does the prospect need?
There are
- Short-term goal seekers
- Underpaid
- Career direct sellers
- Recognition seekers
- Product enthusiasts
- Discount seekers
- Unemployed
PAY - Does the prospect have a little fund to invest in the start-up kit and pay for products subsequently?
AVAILABILITY - Is the prospect able and willing to find the minimum acceptable time to succeed in this business?
Another alternative to the N-P-A is the "Available" acronym to help you prioritize on prospects who are potential sales leaders...
Amiable - is the person a relationship builder?
Value - Does he have the initial funds to be a product user and to start-up?
Approach - Does your potential recruit have the right contacts to approach?
Integrity - Is the person believable in the eyes of his peers?
Leadership - Does the person have organization skills?
Attitude - Does the person have "Can Do" and "Will Do" attitude?
Businesslike - Does the person promote continuing win-win relationship and ethical business practices?
Load - Can the person find the time to do what is needed to be successful in the business when left alone?
Educable - Is the prospect teachable and all out for self-development?
The more qualities mentioned above possessed by the prospect, the higher the probability of success as a distributor. If the prospect being considered, on the other hand, possesses very few of the AVAILABLE acronym, except perhaps, for money, just retail products to him or sign him up as a regular product user.
Take charge! With the right people with you, Go ahead and accomplish your mission!
Nov 4, 2009
Sizzle by the Eagles Network
It's a fly-high Saturday this November 7, 5pm, Core 8 International Marketing Corp. Main Office.
Eagle Network will have its "SIZZLE by the EAGLES" at their nest.
Top earners and new network and business leaders will be awarded.
Soar high!
Eagle Network will have its "SIZZLE by the EAGLES" at their nest.
Top earners and new network and business leaders will be awarded.
Soar high!
Nov 3, 2009
Do you know the Core 8 International Marketing Corp. Objectives?
CORE 8 International Marketing Corp. is a 100% Filipino-owned Company which was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 13, 2009.
The creation and the conduct of our business is focused on the achievement of the following Objecives:
For more information, visit
The creation and the conduct of our business is focused on the achievement of the following Objecives:
- We envision a first world Philippines. We believe entrepreneurship will play a major role in the transformation of this country. This is where Core 8 will play a major role by providing very rewarding entrepreneurial opportunities to Filipinos up to the grassroots level.
- The success story of Core 8 will make Philippines as the country of choice for investors, foreign and local alike, especially among Leverage Marketing Companies.
- Core 8 coming from a very strong heritage of success and excellence will lend credibility to a growing (sunrise) Leverage Marketing industry in the country which shall be renowned in the International Marketing Community.
- At Core 8, our word is our business. This makes us the yardstick of professionalism and excellence where all other Leverage Marketing Companies, current and future, shall be gauged.
- Core 8, adhering to a system-ingrained standard of excellence and its strong family-oriented environment, shall be the company of choice by both employees and distributors alike.
- Core 8 shall, at all times, deliver nothing but the best products and services at the most affordable price possible giving consumers real value for their hard-earned money. Our product advocacy is quality and affordability.
- Core 8 shall be the leading innovative company exploring many blue oceans in the industry of Leverage Marketing.
- To lead in the blue oceans, Core 8 shall institutionalize innovations by ensuring constant flow of excellent ideas about products, services and processes from top to bottom of the corporate structure as well as inside-and-outside of the company. We shall have a corporate environment where the best idea wins.
- Core 8 is committed to giving only the most rewarding and fulfilling business and job opportunity to its best assets - its distributors and employees.
- At Core 8, each distributor or employee is more than just a business partner but family as well. As such, a distributor and an employee shall be treated with utmost respect by listening to their concerns and opinions.
- Core 8 is committed to developing an exceptional workforce by continuously providing a venues for personal and professional growth for its distributors and employees.
- At Core 8, customers are first! We shall promptly attend to our customers' needs at all times.
- Core 8 considers consumers as family. As family, they shall only be provided with the best products and services at the most affordable and competitive price possible and delivered in a timely and appropriate manner.
- Core 8 shall be the product-provider of choice by its consumers.
For more information, visit
Nov 1, 2009
Design your life: Begin your network marketing business with the end in mind
Get a clean sheet of paper.
Get a pen or pencil.
As you plan and contemplate on your Core 8 network marketing business, it is worthwhile to begin with the end in mind.
This will take only about 30 minutes to 1 hour to accomplish, depending on your level of interest, enthusiasm and participation.
Do this only if you're willing to spend such a small amount of time of planning for the purpose of fulfilling your dreams (dreams that will even consume more of your hours, days, weeks, months, and years before you make them a reality). How's that?
Write your answers to these questions:
Ooops, where's that paper? You really have to get one (and your pen of course).
It's a simple instruction, if you can't do it, I'm sure it will be harder for you to answer the following questions and write them on paper... or even achieve your dreams that require more complex actions and more participation on your part.
So you have the pen and paper with you now. And you want to succeed because even now you are already making your dreams a reality, right? And that you believe you deserve to achieve your goals in life, right?
Go ahead and write your answers to these questions:
1. How much do I want to earn in doing this network marketing business? ______ (Be specific as to how much per month/per year.) Put a square around it.
On the succeeding blanks, write again your target earnings, the one you answered in question nr 1. i.e. 120 million pesos per year.
Then continue answering the given question.
2. What will I buy after earning _______? You can enumerate them one by one or even put them in your dreamboard/visionboard.
3. What did I become after earning _______? (i.e. not a person with more enemies but a person with more friends, a responsible member of the society, trust-worthy, honest, helpful, happy, fulfilled, etc.)
4. What did I learn after earning _______?
5. Why do I want to earn _______? (the deeper the reasons, the better)
6. Who will I help when I have _______ and how much am I willing to share? (family, kids, friends, the poor, the homeless, etc.; 10%? 15%? 20%?)
7. How much time, weeks, months, years did I consume before earning _______?
8. Where will I be when I earn _______?
9. Who will I be with when I earn _______?
10. When did I start this business?
11. How many times did I pray for what I have and what I want (_______)? (in a day, in a week, in a month) Am I grateful for what I already have right now? How thankful am I? Am I feeling abundant right now?
12. What books have I read when I earned _______?
13. What seminars and workshops have I attended?
14. Who did I listen to? How many new friends did I make as I work on my _______?
15. What financial management skills did I learn?
16. How many hours per week did I devote for my business (part-time/full-time)
17. What audio books did I listen to?
18. What skills did I master? (i.e. reading skills, listening skills, comprehension skills, presentation skills, communicating skills, negotiation skills, closing skills, sponsoring skills, inviting skills, etc.)
19. Who are the people that I helped in the process of attaining my _______? Did I become a better person?
20. I know I can and I know that I should do them all, but am I really willing to pay the price and do all of the above to achieve _______? To go out of my comfort zone and conquer my fear zone?
If you answered all of the questions honestly and really wrote them on paper, and if you answered yes to both questions of nr. 20, you're already a Success! Congratulations! Continue living a remarkable life!
Review your answers on a daily basis.
Reflect and see what activities you did today that pushed you closer to your goals.
Reflect and think of what else have you done to push you closer to your goals if you were to live this day over again.
At the end, it's all about living a good and abundant life.
So use your money righteously as one instrument in living a good life, a way of expressing God's love to His wonderful creation, and for being thankful that God created you to enjoy and experience life here on earth.
Happy Sunday!
Get a pen or pencil.
As you plan and contemplate on your Core 8 network marketing business, it is worthwhile to begin with the end in mind.
This will take only about 30 minutes to 1 hour to accomplish, depending on your level of interest, enthusiasm and participation.
Do this only if you're willing to spend such a small amount of time of planning for the purpose of fulfilling your dreams (dreams that will even consume more of your hours, days, weeks, months, and years before you make them a reality). How's that?
Write your answers to these questions:
Ooops, where's that paper? You really have to get one (and your pen of course).
It's a simple instruction, if you can't do it, I'm sure it will be harder for you to answer the following questions and write them on paper... or even achieve your dreams that require more complex actions and more participation on your part.
So you have the pen and paper with you now. And you want to succeed because even now you are already making your dreams a reality, right? And that you believe you deserve to achieve your goals in life, right?
Go ahead and write your answers to these questions:
1. How much do I want to earn in doing this network marketing business? ______ (Be specific as to how much per month/per year.) Put a square around it.
On the succeeding blanks, write again your target earnings, the one you answered in question nr 1. i.e. 120 million pesos per year.
Then continue answering the given question.
2. What will I buy after earning _______? You can enumerate them one by one or even put them in your dreamboard/visionboard.
3. What did I become after earning _______? (i.e. not a person with more enemies but a person with more friends, a responsible member of the society, trust-worthy, honest, helpful, happy, fulfilled, etc.)
4. What did I learn after earning _______?
5. Why do I want to earn _______? (the deeper the reasons, the better)
6. Who will I help when I have _______ and how much am I willing to share? (family, kids, friends, the poor, the homeless, etc.; 10%? 15%? 20%?)
7. How much time, weeks, months, years did I consume before earning _______?
8. Where will I be when I earn _______?
9. Who will I be with when I earn _______?
10. When did I start this business?
11. How many times did I pray for what I have and what I want (_______)? (in a day, in a week, in a month) Am I grateful for what I already have right now? How thankful am I? Am I feeling abundant right now?
12. What books have I read when I earned _______?
13. What seminars and workshops have I attended?
14. Who did I listen to? How many new friends did I make as I work on my _______?
15. What financial management skills did I learn?
16. How many hours per week did I devote for my business (part-time/full-time)
17. What audio books did I listen to?
18. What skills did I master? (i.e. reading skills, listening skills, comprehension skills, presentation skills, communicating skills, negotiation skills, closing skills, sponsoring skills, inviting skills, etc.)
19. Who are the people that I helped in the process of attaining my _______? Did I become a better person?
20. I know I can and I know that I should do them all, but am I really willing to pay the price and do all of the above to achieve _______? To go out of my comfort zone and conquer my fear zone?
If you answered all of the questions honestly and really wrote them on paper, and if you answered yes to both questions of nr. 20, you're already a Success! Congratulations! Continue living a remarkable life!
Review your answers on a daily basis.
Reflect and see what activities you did today that pushed you closer to your goals.
Reflect and think of what else have you done to push you closer to your goals if you were to live this day over again.
At the end, it's all about living a good and abundant life.
So use your money righteously as one instrument in living a good life, a way of expressing God's love to His wonderful creation, and for being thankful that God created you to enjoy and experience life here on earth.
Happy Sunday!
core 8 network marketing business,
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